

職稱: 助理教授
連絡電話: (02)7738-8000#6221
教研室位置: 有庠大樓10703室



Lynn University 管理學博士




  1. “The Factors that Influence Patients’ Use of Telecare System in Taiwan”,第一作者,2019 3rd International Conference on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics,Japan-Nagoya,2019。
  2. “A Study for Constructing the Measurement of the Service Quality of Hospital Volunteers with Deep Learning Algorithm”,第一作者,International Conference on Advanced Technology Innovation 2019,Japan-Sapporo,2019。
  3. “Correlation Analysis of the Relationship between Mitral Valve Prolapse and Panic Disorder”,第一作者,2018 5th International Conference on Biomedical and Bioinformatics Engineering,Japan-Okinawa,2018。
  4. “The Effect of Education Level on Health Behavior and Mortality of the Elderly in Taiwan”,第一作者,2018 IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention ( ICKII 2018 ),South Korea-Jeju Island,2018。
  5. “A Network-Based Approach on Big Data for the Comorbidities of Urticaria”,第一作者,8th iCatse Conference on Information Science and Applications,China-Macau,2017。
  6. “The Social Influence on the Behavioral Intention to Use Mobile Electronic Medical Records”,第一作者,9th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems,Japan-Kanazawa,2017。
  7. “A Study of Job Competencies for Healthcare Social Work in Case-based Discussion in Taiwan”,第一作者,International Conference on IT Convergence and Security 2017,Korea-Seoul,2017。
  8. “Analysis of User Feedback in The Mobile App Store Using Text Mining: A Case Study of Google Fit”,第一作者,2017 IEEE 8th International Conference on Awareness Science and Technology,Taiwan-Taichung,2017。
  9. “Left Truncation Criteria for Survival Analysis of Urothelial Transitional Cell Carcinoma on Renal Disease Patients with Maintenance Hemodialysis”,第一作者,The International Conference on Biomedical Engineering Innovation 2017,Taiwan-Hualien,2017。
  10. “A Study on the Intention to Use the Wearable Device in Taiwan - A Case Study on Xiaomi Mi Band”,第一作者,Computational Methods in Systems and Software 2017,Czech Republic-Vsetin,2017。
  11. “The Latent Class Analysis in Telemedicine User in Taiwan”,第一作者,2016 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI),Japan-Okinawa,2016。
  12. “The Influence of Conformity on the Using of Electronic Medical Records”,第一作者,2016 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI),Japan-Okinawa,2016。
  13. “The Effect of Computer-Assisted Instruction for Elementary School Students in Food Safety and Sanitation Knowledge”,第一作者,Asia-Pacific Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering Society Association,Japan-Tokyo,2016。
  14. “Influence of Social Networks on on the Behavioral Intention to Use Health Management Apps”,第一作者,International Conference on Computer Science and Technology ( ICCST 2016 ),South Korea- Seoul,2016。
  15. “The Application of IC Ticketing System in Clinic Fees Payment in Taiwan”,第一作者,7th International Conference on Information Science and Applications,Vietnam- Ho Chi Minh City,2016。
  16. “The Factors Affecting Partnership Quality of Hospital Information Systems Outsourcing of PACS”,第一作者,29th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligen,Japan- Morioka,2016。
  17. “The Relationship of Mathematics Learning Achievement, School Life, and Language Ability of Southeastern Asian Female Immigrants’ Children in Taiwan”,第一作者,2015 International Hokkaido Forum- Organizational Behavior, Psychology, and Education (iHOPE),Japan-Sapporo,2015。
  18. “Network Analysis of Comorbidities: Case Study of HIV/AIDS in Taiwan”,第一作者,The 2nd Multidisciplinary International Social Networks Conference,Japan-Matsuyama,2015。
  19. “Network-based Analysis of Comorbidities: Case Study of Diabetes Mellitus”,第一作者,The 2nd Multidisciplinary International Social Networks Conference,Japan-Matsuyama,2015。
  20. “A Study on the Attitude of Use the Mobile Clinic Registration System in Taiwan”,第一作者,The International Conference on Biomedical Engineering Innovation 2015,Taiwan- Kaohsiung,2015。
  21. “A Network Meta-Analysis on the Effects of Information Technology Application on Preoperative Knowledge of Patients”,第一作者,The International Conference on Biomedical Engineering Innovation 2015,Taiwan- Kaohsiung,2015。
  22. “Applying Data Mining Technology on Survival Analysis of Arteriovenous Fistula in Taiwan”,第一作者,The 2nd International Conference on Information Science and Security 2015,Korea- Seoul,2015。


  1. “Relationship between air pollution and outpatient visits for nonspecific conjunctivitis in Taiwan”, 第一作者,Electronic Journal of General Medicine,2019年4月。
  2. “A Network Meta-Analysis on the Effects of Information and Communication Technology on Students’ Learning Achievement in Taiwan”,第一作者,EURASIA Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education,2019年3月。
  3. “The Application of Meta-Analytic SEM on Exploring Factors that Influence Teachers’ Usage of Interactive Whiteboard”,第一作者,Pedagogical Research,2019年4月。
  4. “資訊科技使用之社會影響量表編製與相關研究”,第一作者,高苑學報,2016年6月。
  5. “A Study on the Attitude of Use the Mobile Clinic Registration System in Taiwan”,第一作者,Technology and Health Care,2016年1月。
  6. “資訊遺漏恐懼感量表之編製與相關研究”,第一作者,亞東學報,2016年12月。
  7. “Applying Data Mining Technology on Sepsis with National Health Insurance Research Database”,第一作者,ASIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED SCIENCES,2015年4月。
  8. “Applying Data Mining Technology on the Using of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Taiwan”,第一作者,International Journal of Computer and Information Technology,2015年1月。
  9. “Applying Data Mining Technology on Survival Analysis for Arteriovenous Fistula in Taiwan”,第一作者,International Journal of Computer and Information Technology,2015年3月。
  10. “Use of Merger & Acquisition Approach to Improve the Productivity of Taiwanese Laptop Manufacturers: An Empirical Study”,第一作者,International Journal of Computer and Information Technology,2015年9月。
  11. “Empowerment Intervention in a Ward: A Social Networks Analysis Study”,第一作者,International Journal of Research In Medical and Health Sciences,2015年2月。
  12. “使用者付費態度量表之編製與相關研究”,第一作者,嶺東通識教育研究學刊,2015年8月。
  13. “科技接受模式中文版量表之編製與相關研究”,第一作者,亞東學報,2015年12月。


  1. 亞東紀念醫院「衛生保健志工的服務品質管理-以亞東紀念醫院為例」,108學年度,賴宜弘。
  2. 亞東紀念醫院「就醫民眾對醫院資訊相關服務之接受度調查」,108學年度,賴宜弘。
  3. 亞東紀念醫院「民眾在長照服務選擇與付費意願的調查」,107學年度,賴宜弘。
  4. 亞東紀念醫院「糖尿病與肝硬化之相關性研究」,107學年度,賴宜弘。
  5. 亞東紀念醫院「醫務專科社會工作師工作職能之研究」,106學年度,賴宜弘。
  6. 亞東紀念醫院「「高齡友善健康照護機構」典範特色分析調查」,106學年度,賴宜弘。
  7. 亞東紀念醫院「健康認知與健康焦慮對智慧型穿戴裝置使用之影響」,105學年度,賴宜弘。
  8. 亞東紀念醫院「HIV/AIDS共患疾病之探討」,105學年度,賴宜弘。
  9. 西園醫院「蕁麻疹共患疾病之探討」,105學年度,賴宜弘。
  10. 亞東紀念醫院「社會資本與病人自主性的關係」,104學年度,賴宜弘。
  11. 亞東紀念醫院「鴉片止痛劑2001至2010年利用情形與成長趨勢分析」,104學年度,賴宜弘。
  12. 亞東紀念醫院「高齡友善服務調查-自覺健康與用藥安全對就醫行為之影響」,104學年度,賴宜弘。
  13. 亞東紀念醫院「導入品質改善手法並提升衛教以改善自費健檢大腸鏡清腸品質」,104學年度,賴宜弘。


  1. 106學年度校學術研究優等獎。